Descendants of John Valentine Harlan
Map to Annual Harlan Reunion Celebrating the Descendants of John Valentine Harlan
Web Site: Yahoo Internet Group for Descendants of John Valentine Harlan
The location has it at about:
5600 Bethel Rd, Fountain City, IN 47341-9445
photographed by Curt Long,
On August 22nd, 2004
Clarence F Aug 26 1876 1m20d.jpg
David 1840-1922 Martha A 1840-1908.jpg
Edee Polly Dec 13 1832 19y6m12d.jpg
Edith wife of James Aug 20 1839 73y1m4d.jpg
Elihu 1789-1872 Anna Gist 1791-1872.jpg
Frank 1856-1917 Clara B 1865-1912.jpg
Hunter Mc son of WF-C died 1891 8m21d.jpg
Jacob April 18 1839 42y6m7d.jpg
James died Sept 5 1842 77y8m27d.jpg
John 1821-1914 Martha Godfrey 1819-1874.jpg
Joseph G 1818-1885 Mary A 1821-1900.jpg
Levi C 1846-1910 Sarah J 1846-1916.jpg
Marinda wife of S A Harlan 6-26-1869 18y3m17d.jpg
Mellissa Dec 7 1850 7y6m8d.jpg
Milton M 1851-1930 Sarah J 1851-1918.jpg
Nathan 1801-1912 Sarah 1833-1912.jpg
Pharana wife of Jacob Nov 9 1849 27y5m10d.jpg
Polly dau of Elihu 1823-1839.jpg
Stephen 1834-1909 Delaney 1838-1856.jpg
Susannah wife of James Sept 13 1876.jpg
Wickliff E 1848-1943 Laura E 1850-1931.jpg
Last Updated February 20, 2005