Randolph County Cemeteries Committee
Old Winchester Cemetery Committee
This committee is working on improving the cemetery with a boundry and marker for the cemetery.  A list of those buried there is being formed by using several sources.  Sharon is planning on attending the GeneFest 2005 as well.

Our Jonnie, and others are in the Old Winchester Cemetery.  Pictured here is the Old Winchester Cemetery Committee Co-Chairs, Sharon Smith and Bobby Manning.  Our Jonnie was part of the inspiration of the movie Now and Then (1995) written by I. Marlene King, who spent childhood years, just like Sharon playing in this cemetery and leaving trinkets for Our Jonnie.
The Cemetery was opened in the 1840s and most burials stopped once Gen. A. Stone donated land for a new cemetery and park in the 1880s.
In the 1950s, It was high with weeds, above the shoulders of little 10 year old Sharon and her playmates as they would hick through it after riding their bikes to it.
Early 2005, brought a heavy ice storm which brought down many trees in all the cemeteries and neighbor hoods.  Clean up has been slow due to the amount of work needed to be done.
As Sharon, Bobby, and myself walked the cemetery on March 21, 2005, we did find some stones still standing, but not many.  There were some that are laying flat our partly buried in the ground, most are missing or are completely buried.  So the task ahead is a long one, and documentation is still needed.  If you would like more information on the project, please contact Sharon at

If you would happen to have pictures of stones from this cemetery or have obits or other information to help identify who else is buried here please forward copies to Sharon.

Some of the debris from the ice storm has been cleared away and the cemetery is mowed during the season.  But there is no boundary markers or sign for the cemetery.
All pictures were taken by Andrea Long on March 21, 2005
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A county wide committee is being formed to address those abandoned cemeteries within the county.  For more information about this committee and future projects contact Sharon Smith at

sharon*remove*home@insightbb.com   Please remove the *remove* before sending your e-mail to her.